International Workshop
Materialities and emotions in times of disasters
An anthropological perspective
qui aura lieu les 15 et 16 Mai 2019
Paris, Sciences Po (15 Mai) et Maison de l'Asie (16 Mai)
Events such as “natural” and technological disasters, development projects implying displacement and destruction of territories, environmental crisis and territorial upheavals in general constitute disruptions that induce a series of processes affecting, some temporarily other permanently, people and social worlds in a vast array of aspects. This workshop proposes to examine, from an anthropological point of view and through ethnographic data, two sets of interconnected dimensions: the material and the immaterial.
Participants : Mara Benadusi (University of Catania), Laurent Gayer (CERI-Sciences Po), Giovanna Salome (Université de Strasbourg), Maëlle Calandra (CREDO), Giovanni Gugg (Faculty of Engineering of the University of Naples “Federico II”), Katiana Le Mentec (CCJ, CNRS), Sébastien Penmellen Boret (Tohoku University), Sandrine Revet (Sciences Po), Floriane Chouraqui (LISST), Susann Baez Ullberg (Uppsala University), Sara Le Menestrel (CNRS, CENA EHESS), Edward Simpson (SOAS South Asia Institute), Diego Zenobi (University of Buenos Aires), Kristoffer Albris (University of Copenhagen), Salma Siddique (University of Aberdeen), Roberto E. Barrios (Southern Illinois University Carbondale).
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